Guest Calling
In addition to calling users within your own organization and connected organizations, sphere users can send an email that contains a one-time call link and collaborate with users that do not generally use sphere.
Guest users will be able to create a temporary user and use sphere from within their browser of choice. Sphere users have final control over who can join since all guest users are placed into a waiting room until admitted to, or rejected from, the ongoing call.
Once logged in, users can open the Call Panel and open the Setup Call sub panel option. In the Setup Call panel, users can add sphere users to the call but also specify a list of emails that should be invited to the call.
Once “Start Call” is clicked, the host user is taken into the call. Meanwhile, an email is generated and sent to the provided list of emails containing a one-time link to the call. This link opens a special guest calling version of holo|one sphere in the browser.
The guest user will be prompted to enter a display name for the call and once submitted. The guest user joins the waiting room. The users in the call will receive a notification that someone is in the waiting room and can choose to admit or reject this user.
Once in the call, more emails and guests can be invited to the ongoing call through the same Call Panel interface.
In addition to the guest calling waiting room, there are further restrictions to provide access control and protect sensitive information, guest users have a limited set of functionality compared to sphere users. More specifically, guest users:
Cannot invite new users to the call
Cannot admit or reject new guest users that show up in the waiting room
Cannot see or spawn the media typically visible to users in the organization.
Guest users will see media that is spawned by sphere users in the call
Cannot capture screenshots or record sessions
Can only access the call they have been invited to and no other functionality such as Task