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Model Context Menu


The context menu follows MR users around in space and is shown around waist level. As the user moves and rotates throughout their physical space, the menus will follow them so they have quick access to functionality.

If a context menu button is outlined in blue, that means that the mode is currently active. However if the button is outlined in red, it means it is not available or applicable at the moment.

Default 3D Models

The context menu for default 3D models is available when the model is selected. This can be either the entire model, or simply a model part. The following actions are available for default 3D models:



Model Schematic

  • Shows the model schematic view where users can select parts and sub-parts

Model View Mode

  • Sets the current visible or hidden view mode for the model

  • Synced with other users

For more information on view modes, refer to this page:

Toggle Part Visibility

  • Toggles the visible vs. hidden state of a part (and all respective sub-parts)

  • Synced with other users

Part Bounding Box

  • When a part is selected, shows the bounding box gizmos to allow rotation and scaling of that part

  • This is not applicable when the entire model is selected

Delete Model

  • Deletes the model

  • This is not applicable unless the entire model is selected (non-part manipulation)

  • Synced with other users

Reset to Default

  • Resets all parts to their default positions and the view mode to the default standard/wireframe view mode

  • Synced with other users

Go to Home Level

  • Takes the user to the top (home) part level where the entire model is selected

Go 1 level up

  • Takes the user 1 level up in the part depth hierarchy

BIM Models

Since users are within a BIM model, they cannot be selected like other holograms. Instead, when there is no other context menu shown, the BIM model context menu is shown by default. The following actions are available for BIM Models:



Delete Model

  • Deletes the BIM model

  • Synced with other users

Model Schematic

  • Shows the model schematic view where users can select the visible layers and levels of the part model

Bounding Box

  • Shows the bounding to allow translation and rotation of the model, in case of misalignment

  • The bounding box will appear at the position of the placed reference point anchors

Reset to Default

  • Sets the BIM model to the position and rotation when it was placed

  • Synced with other users

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