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User Settings


After having navigated to the profile, the user is presented with the screen depicted above. To the left of the screen, the user sees his profile as depicted on the Dashboard.

In the centre of the screen, the user can edit his profile data, settings or licences by means of the tabs on the top.

Profile Data

In the profile data tab, the user can adjust general information about himself, namely:

  • General Information, including first name, last name, phone number, location, job title and role (Note: Ability to change one’s role may depend on the current role)

  • Functions

    • Here, the user can add his areas of expertise to his profile

  • Language

    • Here, the user can add languages he is proficient in to his profile

  • Groups

    • Here, the user can be assigned to certain groups in order to ensure proper accessability of confidential information and content

  • Profile Picture


In the settings tab, the user can change his password as well as link his sphere account to an existing Microsoft account. Furthermore, linkage between a user and a specific MR device can be reset.


In the licenses tab, the user can switch between a Lite and Mixed Reality license. With a Lite license, the user is restricted to login on mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers to use sphere. With a Mixed Reality license, the user gains access to sphere on a mixed reality device and can still login to the sphere Lite application.

Attention: Changing a user’s license may affect monthly billing.

QR Login

After having selected QR Login, the user is presented with a QR code that he may scan on a device for automatic log in.

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