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Roles & Permissions


Each organization can set up their own set of roles and their respective permissions. Each sphere user is assigned a role which then determines what they can see and the actions that they can perform in holo|one sphere and on the Management Portal. Users can only have one role at a time.

To access this page, follow the path below in the Management Portal (you must have permission to do so).


Permission Definitions

Note: Some permissions will only work in combination. For example, if a user wants to alter a workflow, they need both permission to manage the workflow (“Can Manage Workflows”) as well as permission to view workflows in general (either “Can View Workflows” or “Can View All Workflows”)



Can access Portal

  • Can login and access the management portal

Can manage roles

  • Can create, see, delete, and update roles

  • Can assign and remove permissions from existing roles

  • Can assign users to specific roles

Can manage company groups

  • Can create, view, delete and update the company groups

  • Can assign users to specific groups

Can manage employees

  • Can create, view, delete, and update other users, including oneself

Can view employees

  • Can view other users

  • Can only update oneself

Can manage skills (coming soon)

  • Can create, view, delete and update the list of skills in the company

  • Can assign skills to specific users

Can view skills (coming soon)

  • Can view the skills of other users

Can manage files

  • Can upload media to the management portal

  • Can move media between folders

  • Can replace source media and adjust the meta information for a media file

  • Only applies to the files that the user can see

Can view all files

  • Can view all media files, regardless of their group assignment

Can view files

  • Can view only the files that have been assigned to the groups that the user belongs to

Can manage Workflows

  • Can create, view, update, and delete workflows

  • Only applies to the files that the user can see

Can manage Workorders

  • Can assign and schedule Workorders to specific users and groups

  • Only applies to the Workflows and other users that the user can see

Can manage Workflow templates

  • Can create view, update, and delete workflow templates

Can view all Workflows

  • Can view all Workflows, regardless of their group assignment

Can view Workflows

  • Can view only the Workflows that have been assigned to the groups that the user belongs to

Can manage Workspace sessions

  • Can view and delete saved workspace sessions in the management portal

Can view reports

  • Can view and download reports for all workflows, calls, and BCF reports that have been completed

Can manage connected companies

  • Can remove existing company connections.

  • Can manage the scope of the connection and sharing between the two companies

Can share content

  • Can create, view, delete, and update the content that is being shared e.g. media, Workflows

Can manage equipment (coming soon)

  • Can create, view, delete, and update the list of registered equipment and their configurations and settings

  • Only applies to the equipment that the user can see

Can view all equipment (coming soon)

  • Can view all equipment, regardless of their group assignment

Can view equipment (coming soon)

  • Can view only the equipment that has been assigned to the groups that the user belongs to

Can manage live machine data panels

  • Can create, view, delete, and update live machine data nodes

Can view live machine data panels

  • Can view live machine data panel nodes

  • Only applies to the nodes that the user can see

Can manage company domains

  • Can add or remove permitted domains from the organization

Can manage white labelling panels

  • Can create, view, update, and delete white labelling media and parameters for the company

Can manage global app settings

  • Can manage global company-wide application settings such as:

    • Measurement tool materials

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