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Version 2.4.3

Features & Updates


  • Addition of support for French, Japanese, and Traditional Mandarin languages

  • Addition of support for on-premise setups in client applications

  • Bug fixes

    • Various bug fixes across the entire solution


  • Offline mode execution on Lenovo A3

EXPERT/Remote Assistance

  • Improved streaming quality

    • Hardware acceleration for video encoder and decoder (HoloLens 2, Android)

    • Support for H.264 codecs (HoloLens2, Android)

    • Support for additional streaming resolutions (HoloLens 2)

Known Issues

  • During a video call, extended loss of internet can cause disconnection from the call and in some cases for the subsequent reconnection attempt to fail. In this case, the user should leave the call and rejoin the ongoing session from the “recent calls” to re-enter

  • On the RealWear platform, accessing the built in device “Scan Code” functionality during a video call can cause the video feed to drop and not reconnect. In this case, the user should leave the call and rejoin the ongoing session from the “recent calls” to re-enter

  • Newer versions of firefox (newer than 100.0.2) can experience trouble connecting to video calls. If you are experiencing this, please use Edge or Chrome.

  • Performing screen recordings as an Android LITE user for extended time (greater than 5 minutes) can result in a crash when trying to save the file on older devices.

  • Android LITE clients can potentially crashes when picking up an incoming call. This is caused by the user entering an unexpected state. Either switching the logged in user or waiting 60 seconds (user refresh timeout) will resolve this issue.

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