Version 2.3.0
These are tentative release notes and subject to change until the final release of the version. For more detailed information about a given release, please contact your sphere account manager.
Last updated: Aug 30, 2021
Features & Updates
Capturing improvements
Live preview of during capturing for video, image and barcode capturing on MR devices
Preview is opened automatically after capturing for video and image captures on MR devices
Voice commands
Voice commands have been added for easier navigation and control on Mixed Reality clients
Full list of commands can be found on the documentation page
3D Video support
3D videos can be uploaded to the management portal and consumed on Mixed Reality clients
Official A3 release
Release of the sphere solution on the ThinkReality A3
Official RealWear release
Release of the sphere solution on the RealWear HMT-1 device
Performance improvement
The general performance of the application is improved and usability issues are addressed.
Bug fixes
Various bug fixes across the entire solution
Workflow translations
Ability to automatically translate step title and description of workflows to other languages.
Possibility to manually correct auto-generated translations is available.
Automatic transcript generation for audio steps
Audio steps are automatically transcribed and the resulting text is included in the workflow reports.
EXPERT/Remote Assistance
Email notification
Option to notify/invite offline users to a call by sending an email
3D Asset Pipeline
BIM-Upload (ThinkReality)
Upload of BIM models has been enabled for ThinkReality users
Known Issues
LITE users that spawn workflow attachments during a networked task session with MR users will spawn the hologram independent of the workflow. It will not be automatically deleted when changing steps.
For ThinkReality A6 users, in rare cases the application may crash during workflow media capture while simultaneously in a remote expert call. In this case, users should save their progress as a snapshot to get out of the locked state.
Live annotation during an remote expert call with an A6 is not currently possible
Videos captured by the A3 and A6 client devices do not contain audio
Videos captured by a HoloLens 2 during a remote expert workflow cannot be previewed by IOS devices
Workorders that have been assigned to a specific user cannot be submitted by other users